Usability week ending June 6th

Thursday, 3rd June, 1:01 PM
Which groups in your organization influence your web UI? Who's responsible for making #design decisions? Why?: #ui #ia

Tuesday, 1st June, 9:42 AM
Quantifying usability -- injecting #usability principles into bug tracking software reshapes approach to #UX design:

Monday, 31st May, 8:12 PM
#Android Fanboys care about openness and choice. #iPhone Fanboys care about presentation and experience: #ux

Sunday, 30th May, 3:00 PM
@sugarsock Funny #BP now thinks they own the land and airspace, to stop reporters from filming. Maybe execs should have to move there.

Sunday, 30th May, 8:00 AM
The #iPhone is the first computer in a long time that doesn't make people afraid: #usability #software #apps


Economy of chrome

The name of Google's browser, Chrome, comes from the technical term for a web browser's window frame, or "chrome", that is wrapped around a web page.

I was a staunch defender of Safari's "tabs on top" during the Safari 4 beta, because it was a minimalist interface that saved vertical screen space and eliminated redundant information: tab title and window title were the same thing.  Safari understood that tabs are simply docked windows.  Tearing off a window and merging a window back made that obvious.  Users could have learned this, but Apple caved under the outcry, and reverted back to tabs beneath.

I'm using Chrome 5 now that it's out of beta, and I'm happy the tabs on top have survived, but I'm dismayed by the loss of space to the "favicons" on the bookmark bar.

I have my bookmark bar tuned for Safari and iPad (they sync over MobileMe), so my often used bookmarklets and couch surfing sites fit in the portrait orientation on the iPad.  I use verbs for the bookmarklets, and use one or two letter abbreviations for each site.  It's efficient and it's not visually distracting while surfing. 

The following two screenshots are exactly the same width and height of 709 x 93 pixels.  Notice how many more bookmarks fit in Safari's bookmarks bar with the favicons omitted:

In Chrome, the interface wastes a lot of space.  Even with the "tabs on top" that merge window title and tab title, Chrome fits only three rows of information where Safari fits four rows.  Safari fits both clickable tabs and a full length window title bar.

What's worse, Chrome spends pixels on favicons that don't add any usability. There is no useful information conveyed by the nine bookmarklet icons showing a generic blank page:

In the same space that Safari shows 10 of my one or two letter bookmarks, Chrome fits ... none.   It's worth mentioning that the » in Safari is discoverable.  The equivalent in Chrome wastes an inch of space.  Do users really need the », a folder icon, and the phrase "Other Bookmarks" to figure out what that's for?  After the first time they click the », do users still need all three affordances?

Because of its financial model, Google gets a pass for conflating the URL and search fields.  Google naturally wants users to use Google to find sites, and many users already typed URLs in the search box, so this approach goes with that flow.

While on the topic of using space, Safari 4 accomplished its tabs on top in the standard title bar, meaning with top tabs Safari offered another row of vertical space:

In landscape mode on the iPad, that space is helpful, suggesting why tabs are hidden behind another click.  That said, I prefer the excellent iCab browser for the iPad.  Not because the tabs are shown, which saves clicks, but because they load in the background and switch without reloading.

In case you never saw Safari 4's "tabs on top", here's a reminder of what the interface looked like.  The [x] icon and tear-off triangle were only shown when the mouse was over the tab:

Chrome is a great browser, and I'm enjoying it, but it does not offer a polished, or even unified, experience.  

It's a shame that openness and choice so often seem mutually exclusive with simplicity and elegance.  Proprietary software shouldn't have a corner on aesthetic usability.

Usability week ending May 30th

Saturday, 29th May, 8:02 AM
New technologies require new methods, but refusal to follow tested established principles is #usability disaster: #ui

Friday, 28th May, 10:16 AM
Key to #Apple success is taking the time to explain things to the consumer that no other vendor bothers to:

Friday, 28th May, 10:15 AM
What strikes me most about Wired's iPad app is how similar it is to a 1990s multimedia CD-ROM. This is not a compliment:

Thursday, 27th May, 3:06 PM
#Usability isn't everything--more playful interactions will keep me engaged and might even lift my mood: #ux

Thursday, 27th May, 9:05 AM
Preferences avoid tough decisions. Instead of using your expertise to choose best, you're leaving it to customers: #ia

Wednesday, 26th May, 1:11 PM
Haven’t we reached a point in history where pencil and paper is outdated? Well, no. Not for web design anyway:

Tuesday, 25th May, 10:20 PM
RT @8x3h: Use your grandma -- the over-the-phone explanation test: #ux /via @azaaza

Tuesday, 25th May, 2:48 PM
“Responsive architecture” makes physical spaces respond to the presence of people passing through them: #ux #design

Tuesday, 25th May, 8:51 AM
Take research and knowledge about the brain, visual system, memory, motivation--extrapolate #psychology of #UX #design:

Monday, 24th May, 2:40 PM
Effective #design isn't about Photoshop, software, email, project management, or even computers. It's about service:


Usability week ending May 23rd

Saturday, 22nd May, 8:56 AM
Most clients are good clients, and some #clients are great clients. But some jobs are just never going to work out well:

Thursday, 20th May, 9:28 AM
#Google Font Directory--free #fonts to be web embedded and used directly--not ready for Firefox, Chrome on Windows:

Wednesday, 19th May, 11:20 AM
Fixing bad writing costs American corporations as much as $3.1 billion annually: #grammar #language #usability

Tuesday, 18th May, 6:49 PM
The beauty of #typography--writing systems and #calligraphy of the world can inform #design of international projects:

Monday, 17th May, 9:12 AM
The model for sustaining customer loyalty is reverse engineering user awesomeness: #ux


Usability week ending May 16th

Friday, 14th May, 11:16 PM
What information architecture is, why it’s related to #usability, and the common tools used in iA: #ia #design

Thursday, 13th May, 5:38 PM
Faceted #navigation is arguably the most significant #search innovation of the past decade: #ia

Wednesday, 12th May, 3:00 PM
Know how to critique a web page in 30 seconds or less? Your users do: #ux #ia #usability #design

Tuesday, 11th May, 12:07 PM
#iPad at Work: use case user stories from a Programmer, Designer, and QA Expert: #ux

Monday, 10th May, 2:10 PM
iPad Usability: Jakob Nielsen's first findings from #iPad user testing with popular apps: #ux #ui #ia #usability

Sunday, 9th May, 6:21 PM
A paperback is a versatile and easy device--cheap, replaceable, takes very low level of care to keep in working order:

Sunday, 9th May, 2:24 AM
RT @hilittle: Excellent: RT @resultsjunkie: LOVE this article! Nothing missing. @morville is #brilliant Ubiquitous Service Design http:/ ...

Sunday, 9th May, 2:18 AM
RT @deanzilla: RT @uxs: Google Drawings Wireframing Kit #ux #webdesign

Sunday, 9th May, 2:16 AM
RT @deanzilla: #design, #innovation, and #growth are linked: /via @danklyn and @semanticwill

Sunday, 9th May, 2:13 AM
RT @8x3h: Take another view after reading "The iPad is just a big iPhone. Isn't it?": #ux #ipad #iphone #usability

Sunday, 9th May, 2:01 AM
RT @Alyssa_Milano: #Facebook tries to make violations of Terms of Use into crimes: #socialweb #law #data #api


Usability week ending May 9th

Thursday, 6th May, 9:45 AM
Developers show new UI controls, tech, code; claim to be talking about UX. But #UI is not #UX. Learn the facts:

Wednesday, 5th May, 12:31 PM
@jkatinger WebOS was iterating like a beta, still is, but the concept is sound and hopefully HP's hardware can work it.

Wednesday, 5th May, 12:17 PM
Quality offerings display self similarity. Any small part is indicative of the whole: #ux #design #ia

Tuesday, 4th May, 8:46 PM
Use #wireframing as a process of divergence, transformation, and convergence, instead of as an artifact: #ux

Tuesday, 4th May, 9:56 AM
@jkatinger If HP really makes a Slate based on WebOS that web developers program to using HTML5 and JavaScript, that could be a challenger.

Sunday, 2nd May, 11:25 PM
iPad Killer? We can't even get an iPad challenger...

Sunday, 2nd May, 1:22 PM
UX book reviews to broaden your perspective: #ux #usability #userexperience


Usability week ending May 2nd

Thursday, 29th April, 1:24 PM
Flash was made for PCs and mice. The mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards: #ux

Wednesday, 28th April, 2:20 PM
You've heard of evidence-based medicine (eg., House). Here's the art & science of evidence-based #design: #ux #ia #ebd

Tuesday, 27th April, 11:42 AM
The interface design piece we most often overlook is emotional pleasure: #ux #ui #design #userexperience

Tuesday, 27th April, 8:49 AM
@sugarsock If you live on remote servers, Transmit 4 really is that much faster. Panic Transmit 4, Mac OS X FTP + S3:

Monday, 26th April, 6:41 PM
Maybe it's not a "bounce", maybe your visitor searched and then read just one perfectly relevant page: #stats

Monday, 26th April, 12:20 PM
Five #iPhone #app #design mistakes, and how to fix them--dpi, storage, MVC, HIGs, orientation:


Usability week ending April 25th

Friday, 23rd April, 6:22 PM
Rethinking the #usability of "utopian" open platforms versus "proprietary" walled gardens: #ux #apple #iphone #ipad

Friday, 23rd April, 6:18 PM
LATCH -- Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, and Hierarchy -- the five ways of organizing information: #ia

Wednesday, 21st April, 10:54 AM
The most effective #wireframes are made by people who can see how a site is a series of connected interactions: #ia

Tuesday, 20th April, 9:43 AM
For a good user experience on a touch input tablet, all the apps, and the whole OS, need to be designed for touch: #ipad

Tuesday, 20th April, 9:09 AM
"Push me! Wait, you can't..." -- perceived affordances and designing for task flow: #ux #ui


Usability week ending April 18th

Friday, 16th April, 11:12 AM
Our brains are set up to do two things at once, but not three, reports Science journal: #iphone #ipad #multitasking

Friday, 16th April, 11:00 AM
Typography is important--understanding web #typography for beginner typographers and designers to do web #design well:

Thursday, 15th April, 8:21 PM
If it's impossible to evaluate designs without real copy, why bother reading copy out of context of designs?: #ia #design

Tuesday, 13th April, 12:21 PM
"The iPad brings hands and eyes back together" -- a reality check on designing for iPad: #ux #ui #gui #ia #ipad #touch

Monday, 12th April, 9:39 AM
"Losing differentiation is death by low margins." Sane view of "The Adobe - Apple Flame War" by Jean-Louis Gassée:


Usability week ending April 11th

Friday, 9th April, 4:19 PM
Engaging the "desk potatoes" through #design -- designing for passive consumption: #ia #ux #ipad

Friday, 9th April, 3:04 PM
Risky #assumptions are risky mainly as they can result in a product’s failure in the marketplace: #ia #ux #strategy

Thursday, 8th April, 3:37 PM
The real cost of #software #development is #usability: #ux

Thursday, 8th April, 12:59 PM
Learning from game design: 11 gambits for influencing user behaviour: #ux #ia

Thursday, 8th April, 12:57 PM
#Gadget reviews focus on device itself, innards, #specs. #UX is more strategic, more effective basis to analyze a device:

Wednesday, 7th April, 1:07 PM
Bouncing ideas among a team with almost immediate feedback in the form of #design #mockups in @skitch is invaluable:

Wednesday, 7th April, 12:56 PM
New #cameras, and more importantly, new #aesthetics, are breathing new life into #video storytelling and #journalism: #vx

Monday, 5th April, 2:28 PM
"Information efficiency" lets you know when you can stop looking for a better #design: #usability #ux
