Thursday, 11th November, 8:12 AM
Samsung Tab a grab bag of neglect, good intentions, and poor execution, merging worst of a tablet and worst of a phone:
Thursday, 11th November, 7:47 AM
Make sure you use the right #breadcrumbs ( e.g., » > › / • – ) to have hierarchy shown in #Google SERPs: #ia
Wednesday, 10th November, 8:47 AM
“The Main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.” -- a great principle for UX and IA too:
Wednesday, 10th November, 7:49 AM
Usage is like oxygen for ideas:
Tuesday, 9th November, 10:02 AM
A game design perspective can contribute #usability and functionality even in a non gaming context:
Monday, 8th November, 12:46 PM
It is the UX and IA architect's business to know things. Train yourself to see detail others overlook: