Usability week ending July 10th

Friday, 8th July, 6:17 PM
User testing in the wild -- when your user has never used a computer: #usability #ux #testing

Thursday, 7th July, 7:37 PM
The inscrutability of Gmail Detailed Technical Info and Yahoo Error Code 15

Thursday, 7th July, 5:18 PM
How building a great admin #dashboard can lead to an amazing product: #ui #saas /via @MapleButter

Thursday, 7th July, 2:20 PM
YouTube gets finger friendly usability redesign: #youtube #ux #ui #vod

Wednesday, 6th July, 3:23 PM
Thoughts on Google+ attracting users and influence through intuitive #usability: #googleplus #ux #facebook

Tuesday, 5th July, 3:27 PM
Why the WSJ Mobile App gets such terrible customer reviews, and how to fix it: #ux #design #iphone #usability

Tuesday, 5th July, 3:13 PM
The imprimatur of the creator/publisher/distributor/retailer is its reputation for selecting/producing works users enjoy:


Usability week ending March 20th

Thursday, 17th March, 12:45 PM
"A method to produce the perfect book." This is how designer-genius Jan Tschichold described this system: #design #layout

Thursday, 17th March, 8:57 AM
What do the big three tech giants really care about? Visualizing PR as word clouds: #infographic

Wednesday, 16th March, 12:31 PM
Learn, build, measure, more, better, faster -- a UX design model for startups:

Wednesday, 16th March, 11:49 AM
Digital movie buyers overwhelmingly motivated by immediate ease of streaming and downloading digital video: #vod

Wednesday, 16th March, 11:38 AM
Record, game, maybe even book stores could come back into play in a world where everyone's watching their data usage:

Wednesday, 16th March, 10:20 AM
Media still confused about companies offering things on an embedded Facebook page, versus #Facebook offering it itself:

Tuesday, 15th March, 6:24 PM
Why 63% (and me) don't like #Facebook News Feed change--I'm most interested in news from friends I don't hear from often:

Monday, 14th March, 3:34 PM
I agree reading iPad paper The Daily "so erratic and unfocused ... like witnessing a new identity crisis every day":

Monday, 14th March, 2:57 PM
Happy Pie Day -- March 14, or 3.14, is known as “Pi Day” because it looks like π. But should it be 1/2 tau instead?


Facebook is AOLifying the Internet -- and that sucks

Facebook is reaching its tendrils into every single thing we like about the internet, far, far beyond the actual reasons we rolled up to Zuckerberg's site in the first place. IMing? Check. Email? Check. Photo sharing? Check. Apps? Check. Location check-ins? Yup. Twitter ripoff status updates? But of course! What Facebook hasn't stuffed into its maw by its own will, it's given developers plenty of incentive to do so themselves. The consequence? Over a decade after the web portal stopped making sense, Facebook is trying to assemble itself, like some ill-conceived Voltron, into the next.

Usability week ending May 16th

Friday, 14th May, 11:16 PM
What information architecture is, why it’s related to #usability, and the common tools used in iA: #ia #design

Thursday, 13th May, 5:38 PM
Faceted #navigation is arguably the most significant #search innovation of the past decade: #ia

Wednesday, 12th May, 3:00 PM
Know how to critique a web page in 30 seconds or less? Your users do: #ux #ia #usability #design

Tuesday, 11th May, 12:07 PM
#iPad at Work: use case user stories from a Programmer, Designer, and QA Expert: #ux

Monday, 10th May, 2:10 PM
iPad Usability: Jakob Nielsen's first findings from #iPad user testing with popular apps: #ux #ui #ia #usability

Sunday, 9th May, 6:21 PM
A paperback is a versatile and easy device--cheap, replaceable, takes very low level of care to keep in working order:

Sunday, 9th May, 2:24 AM
RT @hilittle: Excellent: RT @resultsjunkie: LOVE this article! Nothing missing. @morville is #brilliant Ubiquitous Service Design http:/ ...

Sunday, 9th May, 2:18 AM
RT @deanzilla: RT @uxs: Google Drawings Wireframing Kit #ux #webdesign

Sunday, 9th May, 2:16 AM
RT @deanzilla: #design, #innovation, and #growth are linked: /via @danklyn and @semanticwill

Sunday, 9th May, 2:13 AM
RT @8x3h: Take another view after reading "The iPad is just a big iPhone. Isn't it?": #ux #ipad #iphone #usability

Sunday, 9th May, 2:01 AM
RT @Alyssa_Milano: #Facebook tries to make violations of Terms of Use into crimes: #socialweb #law #data #api


My head is in the cloud

Now, after a few years of this, I realize that when I look up from the screen I know almost nothing. And maybe that would be fine if the absent phone numbers and upcoming dates were freeing space for deeper and more introspective thought. But I sense that my addiction to the realtime stream is only making room for more consumption...

Because of Facebook app privacy rules, I choose not to publish my birthday on Facebook. This year, even close colleagues were startled to hear it had passed unnoticed. The reason was universally the same: "But my calendar didn't tell me!"

Dave Pell's article resonated with me as yet another illustration of the digital altering the organic in ways we may not notice until they're missed.

Usability week ending February 14th

Saturday, 13th February, 9:04 PM
#Google learns value of #usability #testing, hastily revises #Buzz start-up experience based on user feedback: #ux #ia

Thursday, 11th February, 9:04 AM
Google Buzz is disruptive because all about open, standardized user data: #usability #ia

Wednesday, 10th February, 10:48 AM
By focusing on only 3 core features in a first version, you're forced to find its true essence and value: #ia #ux

Tuesday, 9th February, 10:58 AM
A novel idea to push the social media "signal vs noise" quality problem into authors’ hands: #ia #ux #ui #facebook

Monday, 8th February, 9:16 AM
Font stacks are ultimately #design factors, and should be scrutinized as such--use better #CSS #font stacks: #ux #ui
